Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Thought Questions on Remediation

1. If “new digital media participates in culture’s redefinition of self”, what would culture be defined as with the presence of laptops, smart phones, Wiis, telepresence technologies, and similar hypermediums in society today?

2. I recently saw an ad, where a lady talks about her car and “Real people” flashes under her name. Reality TV is undeniably popular. And so are things that offer a peek into other people’s stories, follies and triumphs. But soon, reality TV was not real anymore. It was always mediated (by a producer, script-writer etc), and the audience saw it was flawed. Was it wise to replace entertainment with reality, because let’s face it..reality isn’t that interesting as we observe it and participate in it every day.

3. “New digital media are not external agents that disrupt an unsuspecting culture but they emerge from within cultural contexts, and they refashion other media embedded in the contexts.” When we speak of new-media, we picture the World Wide Web, Youtube, iPhone, Facebook and the like, and forget that more than 50% of the world’s population lives in poverty..without any access to the technological luxuries we call “new media” today. As the quote above says that new media emerge from within cultural contexts, would it possible to define new media in an all encompassing, global perspective?

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