Monday, June 29, 2009

Response to Dan

Dan asks : "Berger warns us to be skeptical of his arguments but with everything he says he doesn't give much weight to cultural differences. What about what Wysocki says about color as it"does not carry across cultural lines" ex: china- scarlet for bride's dress, white for mourning. (132) Why does Berger miss this?"

Ditto Dan. I felt the same way while watching the videos. Why I thought he might have missed it is because historically, analysis and art criticism is a Western concept. On the eastern hemisphere (and I will speak with reference to my culture alone, just to be safe!) we are a very collectivist culture. That means we do not openly discuss or critique art openly. Also, art was pure...regal...a luxury that royalty could indulge in. Only now is the culture undergoing a metamorphosis with the effects of globalization. So coming back to your question...I guess Berger missed that because of the concept of taking in a global perspective was little known back when this show was made.

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