Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Response to Crystal's Questions

Crystal asks: "Think of a Web Site you visit often. Go to that Web site & describe what catches your attention first, second & third? Can you explain why"

I visit Advertising Age website pretty often. It is a website that provides news about the advertising industry. The first thing that catches my attention is the masthead. Simply because it's the biggest size in the whole page. The second thing that catches my attention is the colors used in the page. Now I say this catches my attention, although it may not be flashy or attention grabbing in the least sense, but I think it's the colors and the layout of the elements in the page that assures me that I've reached the right website, even without having to read anything on the page. It is peripheral, but a visually important identity of the website. The third thing that catches my attention is the first news-story. Plainly because of it's placement right on the top-center of the page, accompanied by a thumbnail eye-catching picture.

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